Symdaddy Humour

This is where Symdaddy let's the funny side out for an airing.
(Symdaddy is George Turnbull. Sym is my border collie, of which I am the 'daddy')
Pictures (borrowed) with captions of my own making, the occasional video (if I can work out how to use the camera) and maybe a link or two to someone else's take on what's funny.

I hope you like it!

Sunday 6 March 2011

Old Dogs Do Not Die

We have a secret, you and I,
That no-one else shall know.
For who but I shall see you lie,
Each night in fireglow?

And who but I can reach my hand
Before we go to bed,
And feel the living warmth of you
And touch your silken head?

And only I walk woodland paths,
And see, ahead of me,
Your small form racing with the wind,
So young again, and free.

And only I can see you swim
In every brook I pass.
And when I call, no-one but I
Can see the bending grass.

(Unknown Author)

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