Symdaddy Humour

This is where Symdaddy let's the funny side out for an airing.
(Symdaddy is George Turnbull. Sym is my border collie, of which I am the 'daddy')
Pictures (borrowed) with captions of my own making, the occasional video (if I can work out how to use the camera) and maybe a link or two to someone else's take on what's funny.

I hope you like it!

Monday 28 March 2011

Jackson's Journey Wednesday 22/09/2010,

(Jackson takes up the story)

Well it's my blog now as ‘P’ (Peter) has got writer's cramp. 

Today he let me off the lead on grass & I went haring off - can't manage the old turn of speed yet, but it will come. 

Found a stick, stood in front of him wagging my tail but he didn't throw it. All he wanted to do was tell me to slow down and take it easy ... I can't understand him sometimes.  

The wizz around was good but not long enough. There was a little crowd gathered and everyone seemed amazed at what I was doing. 

Nobody gave me any biscuits so it couldn't have been that good.

Then he took me in the car to the same place (vet) he took me Monday ... this time for a "check up". 

I got inside and thought "Last time I came here I came in with 4 legs and went out with three" so, as I couldn't afford to lose another I was rather reluctant to go in. 

When I was in I saw the chap who nicked my leg but he gave me a couple of biscuits so he's OK again. 

Like everyone else, he was amazed and very pleased with me.

I hope they don't re-christen me Robin (Reliant*) but P(eter) & D(aphne) seem a lot happier and I hope you are too. 

Thanks to everyone who has passed on good wishes. 

Extra special thanks to Zoe and all the carers! 

Please don't let them chuck me out of fourpaws even though with only three, technically I don't qualify any more.


* Robin Reliant = three wheeled car, ca 1970's


  1. Welcome to the forum Jackson and well done (I know a lovely retriever girly who had to have her leg amputated after she was shot and she hasn't slowed down at all - she's still as norty and runs off when she feels).

  2. Hi Jackson I'm sure fp can make an exception in your case and accept your 3 legs instead of 4

  3. All Friends
    As you will see from Jackson's first blog he is doing fine now. Daphne & I will "leave things to him" . In some ways I apologise for his levity but I think today that's how he is approaching life again - as are we. There were times when we wondered if we were doing the right thing right up to the last minute - it was the last question to the vet. No questions now - Jack has answered them all.
    I will say that we really regretted we wouldn't be able to go on holiday but today has been such an amazing day with him we would have been hard pushed to get such enjoyment out of our 10 days away. There have been tears but more of pleasure than anything
    No Jack hasn't done anything that he wouldn't have done before but that's precisely it - he hasn't NOT done anything either . Today he was back in the kitchen whilst we were cooking, then sitting in front of us "begrudging" every mouthful as we ate, wanting to play with a stick, even gallop off to pinch someone's golf ball. He lies on his stitched area just as if nothing had happened. He's outside the study door waiting for "walkies" as I write. He jumps up and down when I pick up his lead, tail going 10 to the dozen as if to say "Got a problem - Moi?"

    For us it is still a little sad looking at what was a magnificent animal but anyone else seeing him would still see a very handsome dog and we are genuinely proud of him. Pictures (from his good side of course) will follow as soon as I learn how to post them.

    Again sincere thanks to all who have contributed it has been so reassuring to us both and we feel the Fourpaws family is behind Jack. He is certainly a great advert for having a dog, (Labradors in particular to us), and the Animal Rescue service Fourpaws provide, Probably what has happened to him has brought that home to us probably more than ever we would if everything had been routine.

    P & D
