Symdaddy Humour

This is where Symdaddy let's the funny side out for an airing.
(Symdaddy is George Turnbull. Sym is my border collie, of which I am the 'daddy')
Pictures (borrowed) with captions of my own making, the occasional video (if I can work out how to use the camera) and maybe a link or two to someone else's take on what's funny.

I hope you like it!

Saturday 30 April 2011

Jackson: Tuesday 5th / Wednesday 6th October

Still extending my runs but P(eter). doesn't want me to "overdo things".
He had this idea about me using a "walking stick" to reduce the strain on my good leg.
What a pathetic idea, as you can see I just couldn't get the hang of it:

Message to Buddy. The chip wasn't anything to eat, we all know that (going to England must have made you go a bit tup). I had one but it wasn't the deluxe one which DLT and his mates can use to tell your temperature - as you will find out we still have to have this thing stuck in a very undignified place. Still at least the chip wasn't on my shoulder as you will see from my smiling photo:


Still going OK (ish) but I do seem to get tired quite quickly compared to before.

P has been taking some pictures for the photo competition - says entering will mean no foodies for a few days but I'm sure I can wheedle some out of D(aphne). Have to have a word with Tyson & we'll gang up on her.

I heard her say that I should go back on full rations again to build up my strength, so that's good news. I'll have to remember to keep looking exhausted.

Pleased to report Spencer's back, which pleases Pickwick as he's been missing his hot water bottle:

Spencer is the black & white cat. Hopefully he's got over my hopping gait now. I'll have to try to move about only when he's settled.


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