Symdaddy Humour

This is where Symdaddy let's the funny side out for an airing.
(Symdaddy is George Turnbull. Sym is my border collie, of which I am the 'daddy')
Pictures (borrowed) with captions of my own making, the occasional video (if I can work out how to use the camera) and maybe a link or two to someone else's take on what's funny.

I hope you like it!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Jackson: October 3rd

Sunday (03 October 2010)

Terrible weather so we've not been out much. 

P(eter) thought it was 'The Rainbow Walk' today, but I told him it was last week & that he stopped us going because he had some golf-thing to run. 

Yesterday he was away on another golf-thing and D(aphne) had to take me for a walk (he's got to get his priorities sorted out that old man). 

When he came back I was really jealous as he had obviously been wallowing in some serious mud and he didn't take me.

I've had a bit of a telling off from D&P as I have been very selfish and not introduced myself to the cats in our family. D is very much a cat person and still has two of them wandering around. 

One, Pickwick's his name, is a Balinese and was really handsome (for a cat that is) but is now 15 which according to D is positively ancient for a Balinese (or any sort of Siamese). He is really intelligent (again for a cat) - you can tell because he really likes ME. 

Pickwick & me: what a team!

We also have another cat that D "adopted" from Gareth (their youngest son) called Spencer. Spencer and I don't get along - we were getting on better before my op., but then all 30 Kgs of me bounded into the kitchen and nearly mowed Spencer down. At which point he broke the world record for 'exiting through a cat flap' and disappeared for 24 hours. Like all cats he came back for food and has started to sleep in at nights again. We did manage to get a picture just before he went out but still by the cat flap, just in case.

What with me and my three legs, geriatric Pickwick (and P) and paranoid Spencer we are a pretty dysfunctional lot.

Even D and Tyson aren't truly normal.

D is old but somewhat mad, she is out running a 10K race this morning in this weather! She runs at least 5 miles 3 times a week (even though she has a bus pass and there's a stop at the end of the road) and takes Tyson with her. 

D and her daughter took me once before my op. and they ran down by the river where she lets Tyson off his lead. He's a bit of a mummy's boy and just goes for a little paddle about and comes straight back. He doesn't like water too much, he told me. What sort of Labrador doesn't really like water? Not me! 

It was WATER! 

When D looked around she panicked ... no Jack to be seen!  Well, 'course I'd taken full advantage and I was over in the bushes on the other bank. Fortunately D heard me crashing about but then I was stuck - couldn't get down the bank. All ended well though, but D gave me a real telling off for causing her so much worry. 

But hey who's normal anyway?


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