Symdaddy Humour

This is where Symdaddy let's the funny side out for an airing.
(Symdaddy is George Turnbull. Sym is my border collie, of which I am the 'daddy')
Pictures (borrowed) with captions of my own making, the occasional video (if I can work out how to use the camera) and maybe a link or two to someone else's take on what's funny.

I hope you like it!

Friday 2 March 2012

19. Little Green Halo War

1 comment:

  1. I found you on Best Posts of the Week and your posts are really funny, certainly better than many of the lame posts on other sites devoted to humorous photographs. I hope you'll visit me at Chubby Chatterbox. If you press the join button during your next visit I'll return the favor. My post this week on BPOTW is called The Bomb Shelter Game.
